194 Books in this collection
Descubriendo la lectura Levels 1-12
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Books in This Collection
¡A contar calabazas!
By Ellen B. Senisi¡A contar calabazas!
By Ellen B. Senisi¡Al juego!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández¡Al juego!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsDora y Papá se preparan para jugar fútbol. Lee este libro para ver qué necesitan usar para el juego.
¡Ay, qué suerte!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez¡Ay, qué suerte!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUn niño va a la escuela el lunes. Lee para que veas si el día le trae buena suerte o mala suerte.
A boy is headed to school on Monday. Read to find out if the day brings him good luck or back luck.
¡Bravo, Queta!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¡Bravo, Queta!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsQueta iba a bailar en un recital de ballet. Lee para que veas lo que sucedió cuando se preparaba con la ayuda de su mamá.
Etta was going to dance in a ballet recital. Read to find out what happened as she got ready with her mom's help.
¡Deliciosas manzanas!
By Tina Athaide, Farah Aria¡Deliciosas manzanas!
By Tina Athaide, Farah Aria¡Desayuno para mí!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández¡Desayuno para mí!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas las diferentes comidas que le gusta desayunar a un niño.
Read this book to find out about the different foods a boy likes to eat for breakfast.
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James Florez¡Gol!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezView DetailsCinco amigos se divierten jugando al fútbol. Lee este libro para que veas cómo meten un gol juntos.
Five friends have fun playing soccer. Read this book to see how they score a goal together.
¡Hacemos instrumentos!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¡Hacemos instrumentos!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas cómo puedes hacer algunos instrumentos usando cosas ordinarias que se encuentran en tu casa.
Read this book to find out about some of the instruments you can make from ordinary items around your home.
¡Hola, flor!
By Uma Krishnaswami, Winifred Barnum-Newman¡Hola, flor!
By Uma Krishnaswami, Winifred Barnum-NewmanView DetailsAn Asian Indian boy tries out his green thumb when he plants a flower from seed, nurtures it, and watches it bloom.
¡Más pizza!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Marty Martinez¡Más pizza!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Marty MartinezView DetailsPedro tiene una pizza. ¿Por qué crees que quiere más?
Pedro has a pizza. Why do you think he wants more?
¡Me encanta el recreo!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández¡Me encanta el recreo!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsUn niño nos muestra algunas de las cosas que le gusta jugar durante el recreo.
A boy shows us some of the things he likes to play during recess.
¡No quiero ir al dentista!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-Greene¡No quiero ir al dentista!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsUn niño tiene un dolor en un diente y tiene miedo ir al dentista. Lee para que veas lo que pasa.
A boy needs to go to the dentist. See what he imagines might happen at the dentist's office.
¡Rico, rico estofado!
By Adjoa J. Burrowes¡Rico, rico estofado!
By Adjoa J. BurrowesView DetailsCome see what's cooking as an African American girl and her grandfather stir up a yummy batch of gumbo chock full of delicious ingredients.
¡Vaya calle!
By Barbara Shook Hazen, Doris Rodriguez¡Vaya calle!
By Barbara Shook Hazen, Doris RodriguezView DetailsAfter a street fair, a group of friends clean up and change their street from a messy street into a neat street.
¡Yo bailo!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández¡Yo bailo!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView Details¿Qué necesita una niña para bailar? Aquí ella te lo va a decir.
Meet a girl who tells us all about the things she needs so that she is ready to dance.
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez¡Zaz!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas qué le pasa a una mosquita necia. ¡Zaz!
Read this book to find out what happens to a sly fly that annoys a boy.
¿Cómo ayudo?
By Gaylia Taylor¿Cómo ayudo?
By Gaylia Taylor¿Cúantos hay?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-Greene¿Cúantos hay?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee para que sepas qué criaturas pequeñas colecciona el niño en este libro y cuántos criaturas tiene en total.
A boy collects and counts his favorite little creatures.
¿Dónde está mi perrito?
By Caroline Hatton, Hideko Takahashi¿Dónde está mi perrito?
By Caroline Hatton, Hideko TakahashiView DetailsA Vietnamese American boy searches all over the house for his puppy, who is always hiding just out of sight.
¿Dónde viven los insectos?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¿Dónde viven los insectos?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsHay miles de insectos en el mundo. Lee este libro para que veas dónde viven algunos de ellos.
There are thousands of insects in the world. Read this book to find out where some of them live.
¿Grande o pequeño?
By Fonda Bell Miller, Shadra Strickland¿Grande o pequeño?
By Fonda Bell Miller, Shadra StricklandView DetailsOn her way to the park, an African American girl sizes up herself and the world around her.
¿Me dejas tener una mascota?
By Gwendolyn Hooks, Lisa Cinelli¿Me dejas tener una mascota?
By Gwendolyn Hooks, Lisa CinelliView DetailsDuring a trip to the zoo, an African American girl tries to convince her mother to get her an exotic pet.
¿Puedes comer el arco iris?
By Anastasia Suen, Paul Colin¿Puedes comer el arco iris?
By Anastasia Suen, Paul Colin¿Qué debería ser?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-Greene¿Qué debería ser?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLa clase de un niño va a celebrar una fiesta de disfraces. ¿Qué disfraz escogerá él?
A boy has many costume choices for a party. Which one will he choose to wear?
¿Qué hora es?
By Christine Taylor-Butler, Sylvia L. Walker¿Qué hora es?
By Christine Taylor-Butler, Sylvia L. Walker¿Qué me pongo?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez¿Qué me pongo?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¿Qué podría ponerse un niño durante los diferentes tipos de clima? Las pistas en este libro te ayudarán a dar con las respuestas.
What should a boy wear in different kinds of weather? The clues in this book will help you figure out the answers.
¿Qué puede volar?
By Danilo Figueredo¿Qué puede volar?
By Danilo Figueredo¿Qué sigue?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-Greene¿Qué sigue?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsEn este libro tienes que adivinar qué sigue. ¿Podrás adivinar? ¿Por qué no lo intentas?
Here is a fun book about shapes and patterns. Can you guess what comes next.
Can you guess? Why don't you try and see?
¿Qué ves en la charca?
By Anastasia Suen, Aaron Boyd¿Qué ves en la charca?
By Anastasia Suen, Aaron BoydView DetailsA young Asian American boy and his mother see all kinds of animals in the pond. But there's something else the boy sees in the pond too-his own reflection!
¿Quién es mi mejor amigo?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández¿Quién es mi mejor amigo?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLee sobre una niña y su mejor amigo. ¿Quién crees que es su mejor amigo?
A girl tells about some of the things she and her best friend-her dad-do together.
¿Quién lee conmigo?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¿Quién lee conmigo?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsTeresita quiere compartir sus libros pero todos en su familia están ocupados. Lee este cuento para que veas lo que pasa.
Teresa wants to share her books, but everyone in her family is busy. Read this story to see what happens.
¿Tiene miedo el ratón?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández¿Tiene miedo el ratón?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView Details¿Le tiene miedo un ratoncito a algún animales? ¡En este cuento chistoso aprenderás sobre el ratón y también sobre otros animales!
Is a little mouse afraid of any animals? In this fun story, you will find out about the mouse, and other animals too!
Al bate
By Sue Muller Hacking, Don TateAl bate
By Sue Muller Hacking, Don TateAna y Tito
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezAna y Tito
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsAna y Tito ayudan a sus padres a estar listos para el mercado. Lee este libro para ver lo que suben al camión para vender.
Ana and Tito help their parents pack their truck with the many things they plan to sell at the market.
Animales en el acuario
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneAnimales en el acuario
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¿Qué animales podrías ver en un acuario? Lee este libro para que lo sepas.
What animals might you see at an aquarium? This book tells you about some of them.
Aventura en el barrio Chino
By Laura E. WilliamsAventura en el barrio Chino
By Laura E. WilliamsView DetailsA young Chinese American girl is spending the day in Chinatown with her mother. With so many interesting things to buy, how will she spend her money?
Bibim bap para cenar
By Laura E. WilliamsBibim bap para cenar
By Laura E. WilliamsView DetailsFollow along step-by-step as a young boy and his mother make a Korean dish, Bibim bap, for the whole family to enjoy
Borreguita negra
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneBorreguita negra
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsYa viene el invierno. Lee este cuento para que veas como una borreguita negra ayuda a un niño a prepararse para el frío.
Winter is coming. Read this story to find out how a black sheep helps a boy prepare for the cold.
Brilla, brilla estrellita
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezBrilla, brilla estrellita
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee y aprende esta rima sobre las estrellas que brillan en el cielo.
Read and learn a fun rhyme about the shiny stars up in the sky.
Buenas noches
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezBuenas noches
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsSebastián está listo para dormir. Pero primero, todos deben decir "buenas noches".
Sebastian is ready to go to sleep. But first, everybody has to say, "Good night."
Buenos amigos
By Tina Athaide, Maria Victoria TorreyBuenos amigos
By Tina Athaide, Maria Victoria TorreyView DetailsJoin two best friends, an Asian Indian boy and girl, as they spend an active day outdoors running, climbing, sliding, and more.
By Danell Dykstra, Josie Fonseca, Mary CappelliniCascarones
By Danell Dykstra, Josie Fonseca, Mary CappelliniView DetailsFollow along with these easy steps as a boy and girl demonstrate the Latino tradition of making cascarones. These confetti-filled eggs are fun to make and break!
Comemos arroz
By Min Hong, Grace LinComemos arroz
By Min Hong, Grace LinView DetailsA Korean American girl and boy love rice so much they eat it all the time and in many different ways.
Conoce a mi familia
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezConoce a mi familia
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsEn este libro conocerás a la familia de una niña. ¿Quiénes forman parte de tu familia?
A young girl introduces us to all the members of her family.
Conozco a una viejita
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezConozco a una viejita
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView Details¡No vas a creer lo que esta viejita se comió! Lee esta rima chistosa para que lo sepas.
You won't believe what an old lady ate! This funny rhyme tells all about it.
Cuando me baño
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezCuando me baño
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas qué pasa cuando un niño se da un baño.
Read to find out what happens when a young boy takes a bath.
Diez ositos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezDiez ositos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsAprende a contar con los diez ositos.
Learn to count with ten little bears.
Dinero para comprar un helado
By Anastasia Suen, Farah AriaDinero para comprar un helado
By Anastasia Suen, Farah AriaView DetailsComparing their different combinations of coins, three friends prepare to buy a yummy after-lunch treat in the school cafeteria.
Donde vivo yo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezDonde vivo yo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUn niño nos cuenta sobre el lugar donde vive. ¿Es igual a donde vives tú?
Find out about the rooms in one boy's home. What rooms do you have in your home?
Dos años
By Anastasia Suen, Winnie CheonThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product pageDos años
By Anastasia Suen, Winnie CheonView DetailsA book in Spanish with fold-out flaps just right for very young children beginning to explore their world.
Durazno jugoso
By Mary Dixon Lake, Aaron BoydDurazno jugoso
By Mary Dixon Lake, Aaron BoydEl arco iris
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneEl arco iris
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¿Qué colores ves en un arco iris? Lee este libro y aprende cuáles son.
What colors do you see in a rainbow? Read this book and learn what they are.
El autobús escolar
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEl autobús escolar
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee este libro para aprender sobre las partes de un autobús escolar y adónde va todos los días.
Read to find out about the parts of a school bus and where it goes every day.
El caldo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezEl caldo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezView DetailsQué sabroso es el caldo. ¿Sabes qué contiene? Este libro te lo dirá.
This book tells you about some of the ingredients that can be used to make a yummy soup.
El dashiki
By Gaylia Taylor, Cathy Ann JohnsonEl dashiki
By Gaylia Taylor, Cathy Ann JohnsonView DetailsDad buys himself a colorful West African dashiki, but thanks to some hot water and the washing machine, the dashiki quickly becomes his son's shirt.
El desfile del dragón dorado
By Anastasia Suen, Priscilla BurrisEl desfile del dragón dorado
By Anastasia Suen, Priscilla BurrisEl día 100
By Anastasia Suen, Christine PowersEl día 100
By Anastasia Suen, Christine PowersEl día de la limpieza
By Danilo Figueredo, Loretta LopezEl día de la limpieza
By Danilo Figueredo, Loretta LopezView DetailsWhile helping her father with cleaning day chores, a Cuban American girl's best intentions sometime have humorous results.
El lei de Kama
By Robin Montgomery, Carla GolembeEl lei de Kama
By Robin Montgomery, Carla GolembeView DetailsKama's aunt is coming to visit him in Hawaii and he wants to make her the perfect present-a lei. But when the tree in his yard only has three flowers left, he has to come up with a creative solution.
El mariachi
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezEl mariachi
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView Details¿Sabes cuáles son los instrumentos que tocan los músicos en un mariachi? Este libro te lo dirá.
This story introduces the instruments played by the musicians in a mariachi.
El oso Meño
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezEl oso Meño
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezView Details¿Qué hace este oso durante el invierno? Lee este libro para que lo sepas.
What does this bear do during the winter? Read this book to find out.
El pececito Andrés
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezEl pececito Andrés
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezView DetailsFredy el pulpo persigue al pececito Andrés. Lee este libro para que veas lo que pasó.
Freddy the octopus chased Andrés the fish. Read this book to find out what happened.
El primer día de escuela
By Gaylia Taylor, Alexandra ArtigasEl primer día de escuela
By Gaylia Taylor, Alexandra ArtigasView DetailsFrom saying goodbye to Mom to finding a new friend, a young Latino boy experiences a range of emotions on his very first day of school.
El rebozo de Elsa
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEl rebozo de Elsa
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsElsa tiene un rebozo nuevo pero no sabe cómo usarlo. Lee este cuento para que veas lo que aprende.
Elsa has a new rebozo, but she doesn't know how to use it. Read this story to find out what she learns.
El silbido de Ruby
By Renee Londner, Laurent LinnEl silbido de Ruby
By Renee Londner, Laurent LinnView DetailsRuby can do lots of things, but she can't whistle. After many frustrating attempts, she finally learns from some very special teachers.
El supermercado
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneEl supermercado
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¿Qué comidas comprarán el niño y su papá en el supermercado para hacer una cena deliciosa?
A boy and his dad go to the supermarket to buy food to make a delicious meal.
Empanadas de carne
By Celenia Chevere, Patricia Maldonado, Donna PerroneEmpanadas de carne
By Celenia Chevere, Patricia Maldonado, Donna PerroneEn el desierto
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEn el desierto
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¿Qué animales viven en el desierto? Lee este libro para descubrirlo.
Many different animals live in the desert. This book tells you about some of them.
En el mercado
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezEn el mercado
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsUn niño y su mamá están en el mercado. ¿Qué piensas que compraron para hacer el desayuno?
A boy and his mama go shopping at an outdoor market. Find out what they buy to make a delicious breakfast.
En el parque
By Judy Nayer, Kayeri AkweksEn el parque
By Judy Nayer, Kayeri AkweksView DetailsA Mohawk boy visits the park and uses his five senses to discover the natural world around him.
En el zoológico
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneEn el zoológico
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¿Has ido alguna vez al zoológico? Lee aquí sobre los animales que viven allí.
Have you ever been to a zoo? This book tells about some of the animals you may see at a zoo.
En la estación de bomberos con papá
By Tina Athaide, Shachi KaleEn la estación de bomberos con papá
By Tina Athaide, Shachi KaleView DetailsAn Asian Indian boy joins his firefighter dad at work for the day. See what he does and who he meets at the fire station.
En la lavandería
By Karen Hjemboe, Shelly HehenbergerEn la lavandería
By Karen Hjemboe, Shelly HehenbergerView DetailsTwo Navajo children help their mom do the weekly wash at the laundromat.
En la playa
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEn la playa
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¡Puedes ver muchas cosas en la playa, pero ten cuidado con las cosas que quizás no veas!
You can see many things at the beach, but you also need to be careful about something you may not see!
En las montañas
By Mary Cappellini, Cheryl NathanEn las montañas
By Mary Cappellini, Cheryl NathanView DetailsA young Latina girl and her mother go on a nature hike through the mountains. They encounter many interesting animals along the way.
En mi jardín
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEn mi jardín
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¡Hay muchos bichos en el jardín, pero ten cuidado! ¡Algunos quizás te den miedo!
Find out about some of the many bugs that you might see in a garden.
En nuestra granja
By Laura E. WilliamsEn nuestra granja
By Laura E. WilliamsView DetailsWhile spending the day working on their farm, a Latina girl and her father discover that working together is lots of fun.
Esta es mi casa
By Jan ReynoldsEsta es mi casa
By Jan ReynoldsView DetailsMeet children from different lands.
See their different kinds of homes.
Fiesta de barrio
By Anastasia Suen, Kurt NagahoriThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product pageFiesta de barrio
By Anastasia Suen, Kurt NagahoriView DetailsJoin two friends, Tanya and Rosa, as they ride in a patriotic bike parade through their neighborhood and end up at fun-filled block party.
By Edith Hope Fine, Judy SakaguchiFotos
By Edith Hope Fine, Judy SakaguchiView DetailsA Japanese American girl plays on a trampoline while her grandfather tries to take her picture.
Frio y calor
By Jacqueline Sweeney, Anna RichFrio y calor
By Jacqueline Sweeney, Anna RichView DetailsAn African American boy's family lovingly piles so much clothing on him that he quickly goes from feeling cold to feeling hot.
Gatos grandes, gatos pequeños
By Bernette FordGatos grandes, gatos pequeños
By Bernette FordGran pelea de bolas de nieve
By Danilo Figueredo, Hector Viveros LeeGran pelea de bolas de nieve
By Danilo Figueredo, Hector Viveros LeeView DetailsA group of Cuban American children gather one-by-one on a snowy day, adding up to a great big snowball fight.
Gregorio el gallo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezGregorio el gallo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsGregorio el gallo no sabía cuándo cantar. Lee este libro para que sepas lo que aprendió.
Rusty the Roost didn't know how to crow. Read this story to find our what he learned.
Hacer un pavo
By Anastasia Suen, Kurt NagahoriHacer un pavo
By Anastasia Suen, Kurt NagahoriView DetailsA Japanese American boy demonstrates a fun classroom project - making a picture of a turkey from a handprint.
Hago cerámica
By Leslie Johnson, Bryn BarnardHago cerámica
By Leslie Johnson, Bryn BarnardView DetailsA Pueblo girl learns the traditional art of making pottery from her grandmother.
Hermana, hermana
By Anne Sibley O'BrienHermana, hermana
By Anne Sibley O'BrienView DetailsAll sisters are unique. Meet two Latina sisters who seem to have very different interests, and see what brings them together.
Huella de pescado
By Mary CappelliniHuella de pescado
By Mary CappelliniHuevos, huevos, huevos
By Aamir Lee BermissHuevos, huevos, huevos
By Aamir Lee BermissLa abeja trabajadora
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezLa abeja trabajadora
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsEsta abeja es muy trabajadora. Lee este libro para que veas lo que hace.
This book shows how bees work hard to help the whole beehive.
La alegría de ser tú y yo
By William Nikola, Michael BryantLa alegría de ser tú y yo
By William Nikola, Michael BryantView DetailsIn Spanish. An African American girl and her friends play together and learn that despite their physical differences, they are all really the same.
La caja de Flor
By Tina Athaide, Priscilla BurrisLa caja de Flor
By Tina Athaide, Priscilla BurrisView DetailsWith a cardboard box and a little imagination, Flora creates a world of fun. Whether she's in, under, or next to the box, her ideas have no limits-but the box does!
La charreada
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezLa charreada
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsFui a una charreada ayer. ¿Qué crees que yo vi allí?
A young boy went to a rodeo. What do you think he saw there?
La clase de yoga
By Uma Krishnaswami, Stephanie Roth SissonLa clase de yoga
By Uma Krishnaswami, Stephanie Roth SissonView DetailsAn Indian American girl and her friends try a series of different poses in a yoga class.
La dulcería
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezLa dulcería
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsVen con una niña a la dulcería para que veas cuántas golosinas compra.
Come along to the candy store to see how many treats a girl buys.
La escuela nueva de Elena
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezLa escuela nueva de Elena
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsEs el primer día de Elena en su nueva escuela. Lee este libro para que veas lo que pasa.
It's Elena's first day at her new school. Read this story to find our what happens.
La fiesta de la piñata
By Mimi Chapra, Christy HaleLa fiesta de la piñata
By Mimi Chapra, Christy HaleView DetailsA Latino boy and his friends celebrate his birthday at a party with a traditional piñata.
La flor
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezLa flor
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLee este libro y aprende qué necesitas para cultivar una flor linda.
With this book you can learn to plant a seed and grow a pretty flower.
La granja del Tío Pedro
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLa granja del Tío Pedro
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee este libro y aprende sobre los animales que viven en la granja del tío Pedro.
Lots of animals live on Uncle Peter's farm. This book tells you about some of them.
La hora de acostarse
By Barbara Newkirk, Laura Freeman HinesLa hora de acostarse
By Barbara Newkirk, Laura Freeman HinesView DetailsAt bedtime, an African American boy finds all kinds of things to do instead of going to bed.
La lluvia cae
By Christine Taylor-ButlerLa lluvia cae
By Christine Taylor-ButlerLa mariposa
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezLa mariposa
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¿Sabes cómo nace y crece una mariposa? Lee este libro y lo sabrás.
Do you know how a butterfly is born and grows? Read this book to find out.
La mariquita está triste
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezLa mariquita está triste
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView Details¿Por qué se ve tan triste esta mariquita? Lee este chistoso cuento para que lo averigües.
A ladybug is sad. Could it be that it is missing some spots?
La mosquita lista
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezLa mosquita lista
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¿Qué es lo que sabe la mosquita lista? Si lees este libro lo sabrás también.
Practice counting with a clever little fly.
La obra de Tuti
By Jan ReynoldsLa obra de Tuti
By Jan ReynoldsView DetailsJoin a girl named Tuti, who lives in Bali, as she gets ready to be in a play. Learn everything she does to prepare-from practicing traditional dances to putting on a very special costume.
Las aventuras de Pran
By Tina Athaide, Lisa CinelliLas aventuras de Pran
By Tina Athaide, Lisa CinelliView DetailsWhen the car has to go to the shop, Pran and his mother, Mrs. Patel, try a new way to get to school each day. The results are a wacky week full of misadventure!
Las estaciones
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLas estaciones
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¿Qué juegas tú en cada estación del año? ¿Qué estación te gusta más?
What do you like to play in each season of the year? Which season do you like best?
Las figuras
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLas figuras
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsEste libro te enseña que las figuras están por todas partes. ¿Dónde las puedes encontrar?
This book will show you that shapes are everywhere all around us.
Las formas donde jugamos
By Ellen B. SenisiLas formas donde jugamos
By Ellen B. SenisiView DetailsShapes are everywhere, even where we play. In this colorfully photographed book, two children find all of the basic shapes in the equipment on their playground.
Las mamás trabajan
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLas mamás trabajan
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLas mamás trabajan mucho. Lee sobre algunos de los diferentes tipos de trabajos que ellas hacen.
Moms do many different kinds of work. This book tells about some of the jobs moms have.
Las vocales
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezLas vocales
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee este libro para descubrir algunas de las palabras que puedes leer cuando te sabes los sonidos que hacen las vocales.
Discover some of the words you can read when you know the vowel sounds.
Lavado de autos
By Patricia KeelerLavado de autos
By Patricia KeelerView DetailsWhen the family car gets dirty it's time to go to the car wash. Join a young African American girl and her family on their fun-filled, suds-filled ride.
Lo mejor que me ha pasado
By Laura E. WilliamsLo mejor que me ha pasado
By Laura E. WilliamsView DetailsMeet Madison, a Chinese American girl who thinks being adopted into a great family is the best thing.
Lo que hacemos Boo y yo
By Laura E. WilliamsLo que hacemos Boo y yo
By Laura E. WilliamsView DetailsA young Asian American girl and her dog Boo visit with elderly people, showing how rewarding it can be to help others.
Lo que hacen los pájaros
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezLo que hacen los pájaros
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView Details¿Sabes algunas de las cosas que pueden hacer los pájaros? Lee este libro para que lo sepas.
Do you know the meaning of the different things birds do? Read this book to find out.
Lolita en una granja
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Raúl EspinozaLolita en una granja
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Raúl EspinozaView DetailsLee este libro para que veas el trabajo que Lolita y su familia hacen durante el verano.
Read this book to find out about the work Lolita and her family do in summer.
Los ayudantes de la comunidad
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLos ayudantes de la comunidad
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee este libro para aprender cómo alguna gente en la comunidad nos ayuda.
Every community has people who help others. This book tells about some helpers found in most communities.