In this guest post, PK-6 Spanish teacher and blogger Mrs. Cabello talks about why she loves using Bebop Books® in her classroom.
Why We Love Bebop Books®
It’s no secret that in my Spanish class we love Bebop Books® in Spanish. We love the diversity in the stories, photos, and illustrations. We also love the variety of books and the ability to use these books as companions of our current units.
How Do I use Bebop Books® in My Lessons?
We use Bebop Books® as a complement to our lessons. First, I introduce any recurrent expression or high frequency words in the story. We make sure these are understood in context before starting our reading. Second, we draw inferences from the cover. Students think about what the book will be about, and everybody is welcome to share their thoughts based on the book cover. Finally, we read the story but also focus on the illustrations. As we read, we give a lot of attention to the book illustrations and look for additional details that might not be included in the reading.
Bebop Books® Recommendations Based on Theme
What we love most about Bebop Books® is how these books fit perfectly into our monthly themed units. Here are some of our favorite titles!
Pre-School: Numbers Review

A celebration of the many different ways a multiracial group of seven friends braid their hair.

A Mexican American girl and her grandfather have just finished baking cookies, and everyone in the family wants one. Follow along as the girl shares the cookies one-by-one.
Preschool: Winter Unit

Meet a young Inuit girl and her family. Learn why they sometimes live in an igloo and what life in an igloo is like.

An African American boy’s family lovingly piles so much clothing on him that he quickly goes from feeling cold to feeling hot.

Un niño quiere hacer un muñeco de nieve. Lee este libro para ver cómo lo hace.
It has just snowed. See how one boy makes his own special snowpal.
1st – 2nd Grade: Hispanic Heritage Month

¿Qué necesita una niña para bailar? Aquí ella te lo va a decir.
Meet a girl who tells us all about the things she needs so that she is ready to dance.

Fui a una charreada ayer. ¿Qué crees que yo vi allí?
A young boy went to a rodeo. What do you think he saw there?

¿Sabes cuáles son los instrumentos que tocan los músicos en un mariachi? Este libro te lo dirá.
This story introduces the instruments played by the musicians in a mariachi.
3rd – 4th Grade: Pets Unit

A young Asian American girl and her dog Boo visit with elderly people, showing how rewarding it can be to help others.
3rd – 4th Grade: Food Unit

A Caribbean boy makes empanadas with his grandmother.

Aquí están algunos ingredientes para una tostada. Lee este libro para que sepas cómo usarlos para hacer una rica botana.
A boy shows how to make a delicious snack-a tostada!

Los tamales son deliciosos. Este libro te dice cómo hacerlos.
Tamales are delicious. This book tells you how to make them.

If you are interested in purchasing Bebop Books® for your Spanish class, check out our Bebop K-4 Spanish Content Knowledge collection. For more information or to customize this collection, contact us at