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  • Front cover for Edie for Equality by Michael Genhart and Cheryl Thuesday
      Edie for Equality
      Edie Windsor Stands Up for Love
      By Michael Genhart, Cheryl Thuesday
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      Edie for Equality

      Edie for Equality

      Edie Windsor Stands Up for Love
      By Michael Genhart, Cheryl Thuesday
      This is a story about a great injustice and how Edie Windsor boldly stood up for what was right and went up against the highest court in the United States.

      Pre-order from your local independent bookstore or the online retailers listed below:

      Bookshop Barnes & Noble Amazon

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    • Semillas de cambio
      Sembrando un camino hacia la paz (Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace)
      By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn Sadler
      This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
      Semillas de cambio

      Semillas de cambio

      Sembrando un camino hacia la paz (Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace)
      By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn Sadler
      Una biografía ilustrada de la científica Wangari Maathai, la primera mujer africana (y la primera ambientalista) en ganar el Premio Nobel de la Paz por su trabajo sembrando árboles en su Kenia natal.

      A picture book biography of scientist Wangari Maathai, the first African woman--and first environmentalist--to win a Nobel Peace Prize for her work planting trees in her native Kenya.

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    • The Home We Make
      By Maham Khwaja, Daby Zainab Faidhi
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      The Home We Make

      The Home We Make

      By Maham Khwaja, Daby Zainab Faidhi
      A moving story about a young girl and her family who are forced to flee their beloved home after violence erupts all around them, and their journey to make a new sense of home.

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    • Front cover for Roses for Isabella by Diana Cohn and Amy Córdova Boone
        Roses for Isabella
        By Diana Cohn, Amy Córdova Boone
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        Roses for Isabella

        Roses for Isabella

        By Diana Cohn, Amy Córdova Boone
        Stop and smell the roses of Ecuador with Isabella as she learns how treating farmworkers and Mother Earth fairly makes the world bloom! Tambien disponible en español.

        Pre-order from your local independent bookstore or the online retailers listed below:

        Bookshop Barnes & Noble Amazon

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      • Front cover for A Sky That Sings by Anita Sanchez; George Steele and Emily Mendoza
          A Sky That Sings
          By Anita Sanchez, George Steele, Emily Mendoza
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          A Sky That Sings

          A Sky That Sings

          By Anita Sanchez, George Steele, Emily Mendoza
          Mia, a blind girl who enjoys identifying birds by their distinct calls and songs, leads her aunt through the park on a bird-listening adventure!

          Pre-order from your local independent bookstore or the online retailers listed below:

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        • Front cover for Rosas para Isabella by Diana Cohn; Claudia Oemer and Amy Córdova Boone
            Rosas para Isabella
            (Roses for Isabella)
            By Diana Cohn, Amy Córdova Boone, Claudia Oemer
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            Rosas para Isabella

            Rosas para Isabella

            (Roses for Isabella)
            By Diana Cohn, Amy Córdova Boone, Claudia Oemer
            ¡Detente y huele las rosas del Ecuador con Isabella, mientras ella aprende cómo tratar a los trabajadores agrícolas y a la Madre Tierra de una manera justa hace que el mundo florezca! Also available in English.

            Stop and smell the roses of Ecuador with Isabella as she learns how treating farmworkers and Mother Earth fairly makes the world bloom!

            Pre-order from your local independent bookstore or the online retailers listed below:

            Bookshop Barnes & Noble Amazon

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          • Front cover for ¡Tocamos! by Cynthia Weill and Avelino Pérez
              Mexican Folk Art Music Makers in English and Spanish
              By Cynthia Weill
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              Mexican Folk Art Music Makers in English and Spanish
              By Cynthia Weill
              Young readers will delight in learning about a wide variety of musical instruments in English and Spanish through beautifully handcrafted sculptures from Oaxaca, Mexico.

              Los lectores jóvenes se deleitarán aprendiendo sobre una amplia variedad de instrumentos musicales en inglés y español a través de bellas esculturas hechas a mano en Oaxaca, México.

              Pre-order from your local independent bookstore or the online retailers listed below:

              Bookshop Barnes & Noble Amazon

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            • Mercedes Sosa
              Voice of the People
              By Aixa Pérez-Prado
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              Mercedes Sosa

              Mercedes Sosa

              Voice of the People
              By Aixa Pérez-Prado
              A stirring picture book biography of one of Latin America's most beloved singers and human rights advocates, Mercedes Sosa.

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            • Mercedes Sosa
              La voz del pueblo
              By Aixa Pérez-Prado
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              Mercedes Sosa

              Mercedes Sosa

              La voz del pueblo
              By Aixa Pérez-Prado
              Una conmovedora biografía ilustrada de una de las cantantes y defensoras de derechos humanos más queridas de América Latina, Mercedes Sosa.

              A stirring picture book biography of one of Latin America's most beloved singers and human rights advocates, Mercedes Sosa.

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            • Wat Takes His Shot
              The Life & Legacy of Basketball Hero Wataru Misaka
              By Cheryl Kim, Nat Iwata
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              Wat Takes His Shot

              Wat Takes His Shot

              The Life & Legacy of Basketball Hero Wataru Misaka
              By Cheryl Kim, Nat Iwata
              The stirring biography of Japanese American basketball star Wataru Misaka--the first person of color to play in the NBA!

              Audiobook Edition

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            • La pequeña Melba y su gran trombón
              (Little Melba and Her Big Trombone)
              By Katheryn Russell-Brown, Frank Morrison
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              La pequeña Melba y su gran trombón

              La pequeña Melba y su gran trombón

              (Little Melba and Her Big Trombone)
              By Katheryn Russell-Brown, Frank Morrison
              Galardonada con el premio Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor Award, una biografía de la virtuosa del jazz afroamericana Melba Doretta Liston, una trombonista, compositora y arreglista musical pionera del siglo XX en una época en la que pocas mujeres tocaban instrumentos y formaban parte de la escena del jazz.

              Recipient of the Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor award, a biography of African American jazz virtuoso Melba Doretta Liston, a pioneering twentieth-century trombone player, composer, and music arranger at a time when few women played brass instruments and were part of the jazz scene.

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            • La visión de Caballo Loco
              (Crazy Horse's Vision)
              By Joseph Bruchac, S. D. Nelson
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              La visión de Caballo Loco

              La visión de Caballo Loco

              (Crazy Horse's Vision)
              By Joseph Bruchac, S. D. Nelson
              La verdadera historia del gran guerrero Sioux que, de joven, desafía la tradición y busca una visión propia con la esperanza de salvar a su pueblo.

              The true story of the great Sioux warrior who, as a young boy, defies tradition and seeks a vision on his own in hopes of saving his people.

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            • Behind My Doors
              The Story of the World's Oldest Library
              By Hena Khan, Nabila Adani
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              Behind My Doors

              Behind My Doors

              The Story of the World's Oldest Library
              By Hena Khan, Nabila Adani
              Come learn about the oldest operating library in existence, which was originally founded by a Muslim woman in 859!

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            • Pedro's Yo-Yos
              How a Filipino Immigrant Came to America and Changed the World of Toys
              By Rob Peñas, Carl Angel
              This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
              Pedro's Yo-Yos

              Pedro's Yo-Yos

              How a Filipino Immigrant Came to America and Changed the World of Toys
              By Rob Peñas, Carl Angel
              Discover the backstory of one of America's favorite toys, the yo-yo, in this colorful biography of businessman Pedro Flores.

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            • The Wild Ones
              By Megan Lacera, Jorge Lacera
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              The Wild Ones

              The Wild Ones

              By Megan Lacera, Jorge Lacera
              From the creators of Zombies Don't Eat Veggies! comes a heartwarming and epic tale of four best friends who turn to the mythical monsters from their respective cultures to help them save the only home they've ever known.

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            • Los Bravos
              By Megan Lacera, Jorge Lacera
              This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
              Los Bravos

              Los Bravos

              By Megan Lacera, Jorge Lacera
              De los creadores de ¡Los zombis no comen verduras! llega una historia épica y conmovedora de cuatro mejores amigos que recurren a los monstruos míticos de sus respectivas culturas para ayudarlos a salvar el único hogar que han conocido.

              From the creators of Zombies Don't Eat Veggies! comes a heartwarming and epic tale of four best friends who turn to the mythical monsters from their respective cultures to help them save the only home they've ever known.

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            • Flap Your Hands
              A Celebration of Stimming
              By Steve Asbell
              This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
              Flap Your Hands

              Flap Your Hands

              A Celebration of Stimming
              By Steve Asbell
              This fascinating, groundbreaking picture book by an autistic creator celebrates stims--the repetitive movements that provide focused stimulation to people on the autistic spectrum.

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            • Miles of Style
              Eunice W. Johnson and the EBONY Fashion Fair
              By Lisa D. Brathwaite, Lynn Gaines
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              Miles of Style

              Miles of Style

              Eunice W. Johnson and the EBONY Fashion Fair
              By Lisa D. Brathwaite, Lynn Gaines
              A chic biography about Eunice W. Johnson who brought elegant and contemporary fashion to Black America through the annual EBONY Fashion Fair!

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            • Los nachos de Nacho
              (Nacho's Nachos)
              By Sandra Nickel, Oliver Dominguez
              This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
              Los nachos de Nacho

              Los nachos de Nacho

              (Nacho's Nachos)
              By Sandra Nickel, Oliver Dominguez
              La deliciosa historia real de un chef inventivo y los eventos casuales que llevaron a la creación del bocadillo favorito del mundo: ¡los nachos!

              The delicious true story of an inventive chef and the serendipitous events that led to the creation of the world's favorite snack--nachos!

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            • Mali Under the Night Sky
              A Lao Story of Home
              By Youme Nguyen Ly
              This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
              Mali Under the Night Sky

              Mali Under the Night Sky

              A Lao Story of Home
              By Youme Nguyen Ly
              A child finds comfort in the memories of the landscapes and traditions of the beautiful homeland she was forced to leave.

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