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Semillas de cambio
Sembrando un camino hacia la paz (Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace)By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn Sadler- Paperback$13.95
Semillas de cambio
Sembrando un camino hacia la paz (Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace)By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn SadlerView DetailsUna biografía ilustrada de la científica Wangari Maathai, la primera mujer africana (y la primera ambientalista) en ganar el Premio Nobel de la Paz por su trabajo sembrando árboles en su Kenia natal.
A picture book biography of scientist Wangari Maathai, the first African woman--and first environmentalist--to win a Nobel Peace Prize for her work planting trees in her native Kenya.
La pequeña Melba y su gran trombón
(Little Melba and Her Big Trombone)By Katheryn Russell-Brown, Frank Morrison- Paperback$13.95
La pequeña Melba y su gran trombón
(Little Melba and Her Big Trombone)By Katheryn Russell-Brown, Frank MorrisonView DetailsGalardonada con el premio Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor Award, una biografía de la virtuosa del jazz afroamericana Melba Doretta Liston, una trombonista, compositora y arreglista musical pionera del siglo XX en una época en la que pocas mujeres tocaban instrumentos y formaban parte de la escena del jazz.
Recipient of the Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor award, a biography of African American jazz virtuoso Melba Doretta Liston, a pioneering twentieth-century trombone player, composer, and music arranger at a time when few women played brass instruments and were part of the jazz scene.
Indio no más
By Charlene Willing McManis, Traci Sorell, Luisana Duarte Armendáriz- Paperback$15.95
Indio no más
By Charlene Willing McManis, Traci Sorell, Luisana Duarte ArmendárizView DetailsCuando la tribu Umpqua de Regina es terminada legalmente y su familia debe mudarse de Oregón a Los Ángeles, ella se embarca en una búsqueda para comprender su identidad como india a pesar de estar tan lejos de casa.
When Regina's Umpqua tribe is legally terminated and her family must relocate from Oregon to Los Angeles, she goes on a quest to understand her identity as an Indian despite being so far from home.
Fresh Juice
By Robert Liu-Trujillo- Hardcover$19.95
Fresh Juice
By Robert Liu-TrujilloView DetailsWhat makes a great juice that keeps everyone healthy? Art and his dad discover it takes carrots... collards... cayenne... and community!
El frasco de Juna
(Juna's Jar)By Jane Park, Felicia Hoshino- Paperback$12.95
El frasco de Juna
(Juna's Jar)By Jane Park, Felicia HoshinoView DetailsGanador del premio New Voices de Lee & Low, El frasco de Juna es una conmovedora y caprichosa celebración de la amistad y el poder de la imaginación.
Cotorras sobre Puerto Rico
(Parrots Over Puerto Rico)By Susan L. Roth, Cindy Trumbore- Paperback$14.95
Cotorras sobre Puerto Rico
(Parrots Over Puerto Rico)By Susan L. Roth, Cindy TrumboreView DetailsUn libro ilustrado de no ficción sobre la historia de Puerto Rico y la cotorra puertorriqueña, que se recuperó del borde de la extinción.
Still Dreaming / Seguimos soñando
By Claudia Guadalupe Martínez, Magdalena Mora, Luis Humberto Crosthwaite- Hardcover$20.95
Still Dreaming / Seguimos soñando
By Claudia Guadalupe Martínez, Magdalena Mora, Luis Humberto CrosthwaiteView DetailsA 2023 Pura Belpré Illustrator Award Honor
In the first children's book to describe the long-forgotten chapter of US history known as Mexican Repatriation, a boy and his family leave their beloved home to avoid being separated by the government.
En el primer libro infantil que describe el capítulo olvidado de la historia de los Estados Unidos conocido como la Repatriación Mexicana, un niño y su familia dejan su amado hogar para evitar ser separados por el gobierno.
Cómo Aidan llegó a ser un hermano (When Aidan Became a Brother)
By Kyle Lukoff, Kaylani Juanita, Rita E. Urquijo-Ruiz- Paperback$12.95
Cómo Aidan llegó a ser un hermano (When Aidan Became a Brother)
By Kyle Lukoff, Kaylani Juanita, Rita E. Urquijo-RuizView DetailsEste dulce y pionero libro ilustrado, ganador del Premio de Libro Stonewall 2020, celebra los cambios en la vida de un niño transgénero: desde su anunció que era trans hasta su preparación para ser un hermano mayor.
This sweet and groundbreaking picture book, winner of the 2020 Stonewall Book Award, celebrates the changes in a transgender boy's life, from his initial coming-out to becoming a big brother.
A Choctaw Journey from Darkness into LightBy Tim Tingle, Karen Clarkson- Paperback$11.95
A Choctaw Journey from Darkness into LightBy Tim Tingle, Karen ClarksonView DetailsSaltypie is the sweet taste of Choctaw tears in this powerful picture-book memoir.
Where Wonder Grows
By Xelena González, Adriana M. Garcia- Hardcover$20.95
Where Wonder Grows
By Xelena González, Adriana M. GarciaView DetailsA 2023 Pura Belpré Illustrator Award Winner
From the creators of the award-winning picture book All Around Us comes another lyrical intergenerational story exploring our connections to nature, family, and traditions.
Donde las maravillas crecen (Where Wonder Grows)
By Xelena González, Adriana M. Garcia, Rita E. Urquijo-Ruiz- Paperback$12.95
Donde las maravillas crecen (Where Wonder Grows)
By Xelena González, Adriana M. Garcia, Rita E. Urquijo-RuizView DetailsA 2023 Pura Belpré Illustrator Award Winner
De las creadoras del galardonado libro ilustrado All Around Us llega otra historia lírica intergeneracional que explora nuestra conexión con la naturaleza, la familia y las tradiciones.
From the creators of the award-winning picture book All Around Us comes another lyrical intergenerational story exploring our connection to nature, family, and traditions.
El Parlamento de Lechuzas
By David Bowles, Raúl the Third, Stacey Robinson, Damian Duffy- Paperback$17.95
El Parlamento de Lechuzas
By David Bowles, Raúl the Third, Stacey Robinson, Damian DuffyView DetailsDescubre una novela gráfica sin par: una brillante reinvención steampunk de Frankenstein ambientada en el México colonial.
The Witch Owl Parliament
(Clockwork Curandera, Volume I)By David Bowles, Raúl the Third, Stacey Robinson, Damian Duffy- Paperback$18.95
The Witch Owl Parliament
(Clockwork Curandera, Volume I)By David Bowles, Raúl the Third, Stacey Robinson, Damian DuffyView DetailsDiscover a graphic novel unlike any other--a brilliant steampunk reimagining of Frankenstein set in colonial Mexico.
Por todo nuestro alrededor
By Xelena González, Adriana M. Garcia- Paperback$12.95
Por todo nuestro alrededor
By Xelena González, Adriana M. GarciaView DetailsEste hermoso libro ilustrado, ganador del Pura Belpré Illustrator Honor y del American Indian Youth Literature Award Picture Book Honor, celebra los círculos que nos rodean, en el cielo, la tierra, nuestros vecindarios, nosotros mismos ... si nos atrevemos a buscarlos.
El arqueólogo peruano Julio C. Tello / Peruvian Archaeologist Julio C. TelloBy Monica Brown, Elisa Chavarri- Hardcover$20.95
El arqueólogo peruano Julio C. Tello / Peruvian Archaeologist Julio C. TelloBy Monica Brown, Elisa ChavarriView DetailsA fascinating bilingual picture book biography of Peruvian archaeologist and national icon Julio C. Tello, who unearthed Peru's ancient cultures and fostered pride in the country's Indigenous history.
She Was the First!
The Trailblazing Life of Shirley ChisholmBy Katheryn Russell-Brown, Eric Velasquez- Hardcover$20.95
She Was the First!
The Trailblazing Life of Shirley ChisholmBy Katheryn Russell-Brown, Eric VelasquezView DetailsA timely, inspiring picture book biography of the dynamic twentieth-century educator, activist, and politician Shirley Chisholm.
Indian No More
By Charlene Willing McManis, Traci Sorell- Hardcover$18.95
Indian No More
By Charlene Willing McManis, Traci SorellView DetailsWhen Regina's Umpqua tribe is legally terminated and her family must relocate from Oregon to Los Angeles, she goes on a quest to understand her identity as an Indian despite being so far from home.
When Aidan Became a Brother
By Kyle Lukoff, Kaylani Juanita- Hardcover$19.95
When Aidan Became a Brother
By Kyle Lukoff, Kaylani JuanitaView DetailsThis sweet and groundbreaking picture book, winner of the 2020 Stonewall Book Award, celebrates the changes in a transgender boy's life, from his initial coming-out to becoming a big brother.
¡Los Zombis no comen verduras!
(Zombies Don't Eat Veggies)By Jorge Lacera, Megan Lacera- Hardcover$21.95
¡Los Zombis no comen verduras!
(Zombies Don't Eat Veggies)By Jorge Lacera, Megan LaceraView DetailsEn este encantador debut de una talentosa pareja, Mo Romero es un zombi con un secreto profundo y oscuro...
Zombies Don't Eat Veggies
By Jorge Lacera, Megan Lacera- Hardcover$20.95
Zombies Don't Eat Veggies
By Jorge Lacera, Megan LaceraView DetailsIn this delightful debut by a talented husband-and-wife team, Mo Romero is a zombie with a deep, dark secret...
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