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Los mejores zapatos
By Gwendolyn Hooks, Michael Ramirez- Paperback$7.50
Los mejores zapatos
By Gwendolyn Hooks, Michael Ramirez¡A contar calabazas!
By Ellen B. Senisi- Paperback$7.50
¡A contar calabazas!
By Ellen B. SenisiCounting Pumpkins
By Ellen B. Senisi- Paperback$7.50
Counting Pumpkins
By Ellen B. Senisi¿Cómo ayudo?
By Gaylia Taylor- Paperback$8.50
¿Cómo ayudo?
By Gaylia TaylorHow Do I Help?
By Gaylia Taylor- Paperback$8.50
How Do I Help?
By Gaylia TaylorCan You Eat a Rainbow?
By Anastasia Suen, Paul Colin- Paperback$8.50
Can You Eat a Rainbow?
By Anastasia Suen, Paul Colin¿Puedes comer el arco iris?
By Anastasia Suen, Paul Colin- Paperback$8.50
¿Puedes comer el arco iris?
By Anastasia Suen, Paul Colin¿Qué puede volar?
By Danilo Figueredo- Paperback$7.50
¿Qué puede volar?
By Danilo FigueredoWhat Can Fly?
By Danilo Figueredo- Paperback$7.50
What Can Fly?
By Danilo FigueredoRain Falls
By Christine Taylor-Butler- Paperback$7.50
Rain Falls
By Christine Taylor-Butler¡Deliciosas manzanas!
By Tina Athaide, Farah Aria- Paperback$7.50
¡Deliciosas manzanas!
By Tina Athaide, Farah AriaEl desfile del dragón dorado
By Anastasia Suen, Priscilla Burris- Paperback$8.50
El desfile del dragón dorado
By Anastasia Suen, Priscilla BurrisGolden Dragon Parade
By Anastasia Suen, Priscilla Burris- Paperback$8.50
Golden Dragon Parade
By Anastasia Suen, Priscilla BurrisThis Is My Home
By Jan Reynolds- Paperback$8.50
This Is My Home
By Jan ReynoldsYum, Apples!
By Tina Athaide, Farah Aria- Paperback$7.50
Yum, Apples!
By Tina Athaide, Farah AriaEsta es mi casa
By Jan Reynolds- Paperback$8.50
Esta es mi casa
By Jan ReynoldsView DetailsMeet children from different lands.
See their different kinds of homes.
La lluvia cae
By Christine Taylor-Butler- Paperback$7.50
La lluvia cae
By Christine Taylor-ButlerShapes Where We Play
By Ellen B. Senisi- Paperback$7.50
Shapes Where We Play
By Ellen B. SenisiView DetailsShapes are everywhere, even where we play. In this colorfully photographed book, two children find all of the basic shapes in the equipment on their playground.
Las formas donde jugamos
By Ellen B. Senisi- Paperback$7.50
Las formas donde jugamos
By Ellen B. SenisiView DetailsShapes are everywhere, even where we play. In this colorfully photographed book, two children find all of the basic shapes in the equipment on their playground.
First Day of School
By Gaylia Taylor, Alexandra Artigas- Paperback$7.50
First Day of School
By Gaylia Taylor, Alexandra ArtigasView DetailsFrom saying goodbye to Mom to finding a new friend, a young Latino boy experiences a range of emotions on his very first day of school.
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