Rain falls on grass.
Rain falls on rocks.
Where else does rain fall?
Web discounts do not apply to Bebop books
Rain falls on grass.
Rain falls on rocks.
Where else does rain fall?
Rain falls on grass.
Rain falls on rocks.
Where else does rain fall?
Web discounts do not apply to Bebop books
Christine Taylor-Butler has written more than sixty books for children, including biographies, state histories, and several science and fiction series. She is also the author of the award-winning Sacred Mountain, published by Lee & Low Books. An avid reader since she was a child, Taylor-Butler believes that for many children books are their introduction to the vast diversity on our planet. Taylor-Butler is a past president of the Missouri Writers Guild, sits on the board of their children’s literature chapter, and is a member of the MIT Regional Educational Council. She lives in Kansas City, Missouri, with her husband and their two daughters. Visit her online at
During a trip to the zoo, an African American girl tries to convince her mother to get her an exotic pet.
An African American boy's family lovingly piles so much clothing on him that he quickly goes from feeling cold to feeling hot.
Pedro tiene una pizza. ¿Por qué crees que quiere más?
Pedro has a pizza. Why do you think he wants more?
On her way to the park, an African American girl sizes up herself and the world around her.
From sun up to sun down, life on the farm is a flurry of activity. See how a young African American boy and his family spend a busy day on their farm.