Rosas para Isabella

(Roses for Isabella)
By Diana Cohn, Amy Córdova Boone, Claudia Oemer
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¡Detente y huele las rosas del Ecuador con Isabella, mientras ella aprende cómo tratar a los trabajadores agrícolas y a la Madre Tierra de una manera justa hace que el mundo florezca! Also available in English.

Stop and smell the roses of Ecuador with Isabella as she learns how treating farmworkers and Mother Earth fairly makes the world bloom!

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Front cover for Roses for Isabella by Diana Cohn and Amy Córdova Boone
This book is also available in English
Roses for Isabella
By Diana Cohn, Amy Córdova Boone


A Isabella le encanta escribir, especialmente sobre las flores vibrantes que sus padres cultivan como trabajadores agrícolas. Cuando su profesora anuncia un concurso de escritura para una asamblea escolar en honor a la Pachamama, la Madre Tierra, Isabela decide escribir sobre las fincas de rosas en donde “rosas rosadas, rojas, amarillas y anaranjadas crecen en filas que no terminan nunca”.

En dulces poemas y anotaciones en su diario, Isabella menciona cómo sus padres se sienten mucho mejor trabajando en una nueva finca de Comercio Justo. La finca toma varias medidas para mantener seguros tantos a los trabajadores agrícolas como al medio ambiente, como tratar de no usar pesticidas peligrosas que hacen que la gente, especialmente trabajadores agrícolas, se enfermen. Con un texto claro y alegre de la premiada autora Diana Cohn e ilustraciones cautivadoras, Rosas para Isabela presenta a los lectores las tradiciones culturales del Ecuador y la importancia de tomar decisiones que apoyen a los trabajadores agrícolas y al medio ambiente. La premiada ilustradora Amy Córdova Boone presenta el mundo de Isabela en obras de arte tan vibrantes como sus amadas flores. ¡Únete a Isabela en esta celebración de los trabajadores agrícolas y los hermosos regalos que recibimos de la Madre Tierra!

Isabella loves to write, especially about the vibrant flowers her parents grow as farmworkers. When her teacher announces a school writing contest in honor of Pachamama, Mother Earth, Isabella decides to write about the rose farms where “pink, red, yellow, and orange roses grow in rows that go on forever.”

In sweet poems and journal entries, Isabella notes how her parents feel much better working at a new Fair Trade farm. This new farm takes a lot of steps to keep both farmworkers and the environment safe, like avoiding dangerous pesticides that make people, especially farmworkers, sick. With clear, joyful text by award-winning author Diana Cohn, and captivating illustrations, Roses for Isabella introduces readers to the cultural traditions of Ecuador and the importance of making choices that support farmworkers and the environment. Award-winning illustrator Amy Córdova Boone presents Isabella’s world in artwork as vibrant as her beloved flowers. Join Isabella in this celebration of farmworkers and the beautiful gifts we receive from Mother Earth!

About the Creators

Diana Cohn

Diana Cohn has worked on environmental, economic, and global justice issues as a teacher and a media activist, and an advisor, a program officer, and an executive director in philanthropic institutions. She is the award-winning author of seven children's books, including ¡Si Se Puede! / Yes We Can! Janitor Strike in L.A., The Bee Tree, and Crane Boy, all published by Cinco Puntos Press/Lee & Low Books. She lives with her husband on a houseboat in northern California.

Amy Córdova Boone

Amy Córdova Boone is an artist, an arts educator, a conference presenter/lecturer, and a nationally recognized children's book illustrator and author. Córdova Boone has received the prestigious Pura Belpré Award Honor twice, as well as other national recognition for her vibrant art. Her delicious, saturated, colorful paintings are found in museums and private collections throughout the US and Europe. She lives in Oaxaca, México. Visit her at

Claudia Oemer
Claudia Oemer

Claudia Oemer trabajó como becaria en Fair Trade Certified (entonces Fair Trade USA) en el 2009, bajo la supervisión de Lynn Lohr. Siendo trilingüe, ella ha realizado traducciones desde hace más de una década en el ámbito académico y en empresas privadas. Actualmente habita en Ecuador.


  • "The strength of award-winning Córdova's illustrations is in her use of vivid, beautiful colors and expression. . . Exposing children to this kind of book encourages a global awareness that can only serve them as they grow up in a world where issues such as Fair Trade become increasingly important."

    - Foreword Reviews
  • "Colorful folk-art–style drawings in marker and gouache add an authenticity to this South American tale . . . celebrating the benefits of fair trade and environmental consciousness."

    - Kirkus Reviews
  • "Isabella, through the conceit of a school writing project, teaches readers about her Ecuadorian parents' fight against pesticides and for fair-trade status for their rose farm. . . . Córdova's fluid, vibrant-hued paintings enliven the presentation."

    - School Library Journal


  • ISBN 9780892394876
  • Price $12.95
  • Publication Date Apr 08, 2025
  • Trim Size 9.75 × 8.75 in
  • Weight N/A
  • Page Count 32
  • Interests

  • Imprint Children's Book Press
  • Audience Children
  • BISAC Category 1 JUV / People & Places / Caribbean & Latin America
  • BISAC Category 2 JUV / Lifestyles / Farm & Ranch Life
  • BISAC Category 3 JUV / Recycling & Green Living
  • Themes Bilingual, Childhood Experiences and Memories, Cultural Diversity, Diversity, Dual Language, Empathy / Compassion, Environment / Nature, Families, Farming, Fiction, Human Impact On Environment / Environmental Sustainability, Latinx / Latino / Hispanic, Nature / Science, Spanish
  • Languages Spanish
  • Reading Levels

  • Age Range Ages 5 - 10
  • Grade Range Grades K - 5