111 Books in this collection
Descubriendo la lectura Levels 13-26
Lee & Low Books is proud to be the nation's largest publisher of multicultural children's books. With the launch of our new Spanish Reading Recovery/Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL) Bebop Books collections, schools across the country will now be able to bring more equity, inclusion, and diversity into their Spanish classroom libraries. We will work with you to ensure your students have access to scores of authentic, culturally responsive, contemporary books at the levels they need in Spanish. These exclusive bundles of Bebop fiction and nonfiction titles in Spanish have been compiled to fill a Reading Recovery® and Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL) teacher’s library. These titles have been field-tested and officially analyzed by certified Reading Recovery® teachers and can be found in the current approved book list published by Reading Recovery Council of North America (RRCNA). (Search for the titles on RRCNA with the publisher listed as "Bebop Books" and "Lee & Low Books")
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Books in This Collection
¡A la cama!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¡A la cama!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsEs hora de que Rosita se vaya a la cama. Lee este libro para que veas lo que ella hace y cuanto tiempo le toma.
It's time for Rosie to go to bed. Read this book to see what she does and how long it takes.
¡Ay, caramba!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John Martinez¡Ay, caramba!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezView DetailsUnos pastores llevaron a sus borregas a un pastizal. Lee este cuento de México para que veas que pasó.
Five sheepherders took their sheep to a pasture. Read this folktale from Mexico to find out what happened.
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas como una familia celebra el Año Nuevo.
Read this book to see how one family celebrates the new year.
¡No me quiero bañar!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¡No me quiero bañar!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsA Diego no le gusta bañarse. Lee este cuento para que veas qué le pasa.
Diego doesn't like to take baths. Read this story to find out what happens to him.
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¡Oye! Estás comiendo mi tarea
By Della Ross Ferreri, Margaret Lindmark¡Oye! Estás comiendo mi tarea
By Della Ross Ferreri, Margaret LindmarkView DetailsAfter making a birdfeeder as a school project a young Latino boy discovers that his creation attracts some unwanted attention.
¡Qué susto me dio!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez¡Qué susto me dio!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUn niño tenía mucho miedo. Lee para que veas por qué se sentía así.
A young boy is so scared. Read this book to see why he felt this way.
¿Cuál contiene más?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez¿Cuál contiene más?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¿Sabes cómo se miden los líquidos? Este mago te enseñará cómo.
Do you know how liquids are measured? Come join a magician who will show you how.
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¿Puedes superar eso?
By William Nikola, Hector Viveros Lee¿Puedes superar eso?
By William Nikola, Hector Viveros LeeView DetailsA Latino boy and his friends use their imaginations to think up a variety of unique creatures, each one wackier than the one before.
¿Qué habrá dentro de la caja?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James Florez¿Qué habrá dentro de la caja?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezView Details¿Puedes adivinar lo que hay dentro de la caja?Lee para que veas qué es.
Can you guess what's in the box? Read this story to find out.
¿Qué puedo comprar?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¿Qué puedo comprar?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsUn niño ahorró su dinero para comprar un juguete para su nueva hermanita. Lee este libro para que veas lo que compra finalmente.
A boy saved his money to buy a toy for his new baby sister, Read this book to find out what he finally bought.
¿Qué sale de un huevo?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-Greene¿Qué sale de un huevo?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsMuchos animales nacen de huevos. Lee este libro para que aprendas sobre algunos de ellos.
Many animals hatch from eggs. This book introduces some of them.
¿Qué soy?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page¿Qué soy?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsCada animal en el mundo pertenece a una clase de animales. Este libro te ayudará a aprender en qué se parecen los animales de cada clase.
Each animal in the world belongs to an animal class. This book will help you learn how the animals in each class are alike.
¿Quién es Michael Ramírez?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¿Quién es Michael Ramírez?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLee este libro para que sepas quién es Michael Ramírez y qué hace.
Read this book to find our who Michael Ramirez is and what he does.
¿Quien vive aquí?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez¿Quien vive aquí?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee las pistas sobre estos cuentos famosos a ver si puedes adivinar ¿Quién vive aquí?
Read the clues about famous stories. Then see if you can answer the question, Who lives here?
¿Ya mero llegamos, mami?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¿Ya mero llegamos, mami?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsZoí y su mamá hacen un viaje muy largo. Sigue con ellas mientras viajan de estado a estado.
Zoey and her mom are going on a long trip. Follow along as they travel from state to state.
Abu y Tata
By Mary Dixon Lake, Christiane KrömerAbu y Tata
By Mary Dixon Lake, Christiane KrömerView DetailsA young boy goes to visit his African American grandfather in the Southern United States and his Latino grandfather in the Caribbean. His two grandfathers may be different, but they have one special thing in common.
Arrorró, mi niño
Latino Lullabies and Gentle GamesBy Lulu DelacreThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product pageArrorró, mi niño
Latino Lullabies and Gentle GamesBy Lulu DelacreView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. A book of Latino lullabies and games, inspired by the author's own childhood in Puerto Rico.
Baby Rattlesnake / Viborita de Cascabel
By Te Ata, Siobhan Moroney, Mira ReisbergThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product pageBaby Rattlesnake / Viborita de Cascabel
By Te Ata, Siobhan Moroney, Mira ReisbergView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. A Native American (Pawnee) tale of family love and forgiveness.
Bebé musical
By Carole Boston Weatherford, Laura Freeman HinesBebé musical
By Carole Boston Weatherford, Laura Freeman HinesView DetailsA fun rhythmic story that encourages children to tap, snap, swing, and sway, to the jazzy musical beat.
Birdie's Beauty Parlor/ El salón de belleza de Birdie
By Lee Merrill Byrd, Francisco DelgadoBirdie's Beauty Parlor/ El salón de belleza de Birdie
By Lee Merrill Byrd, Francisco DelgadoView DetailsThis delightful bilingual picture book offers everything you need to know to make your grandmother look like a queen!
¡Este encantador libro ilustrado bilingüe ofrece todo lo que necesitas saber para hacer que tu abuela luzca como una reina!
Buscando una princesa de verdad
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezBuscando una princesa de verdad
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezView DetailsLalo busca una princesa de verdad. Lee esta divertida versión de La princesa y el guisante para que veas si tiene éxito.
Prince Lalo is searching for a real princess. Read this fun retelling of The Princess and the Pea to find out if he is successful..
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Butterflies for Kiri
By Cathryn FalwellButterflies for Kiri
By Cathryn FalwellView DetailsA Japanese American girl grows creatively and, with perseverance, masters the art of making an origami butterfly. Includes instructions.
Cuando sea grande
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezCuando sea grande
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¿Qué quieres ser cuándo seas grande? Lee este libro para aprender sobre algunos de los trabajos que pudieras tener.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Read this book to find out about some of the jobs you might have.
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Danza Africana
Al Ritmo del RedobleBy Patricia Keeler, Júlio LeitãoView DetailsJoin an African Dance troupe as they get ready for their show. See how they move and learn where the dances come from.
De colores: Una canción de las estaciones
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product pageDe colores: Una canción de las estaciones
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezView DetailsAbre este libro para aprender una canción tradicional española sobre las estaciones del año.
Open this book to learn a traditional Spanish song about the seasons of the year.
Diez tamborileros oni
By Matthew Gollub, Kazuko StoneDiez tamborileros oni
By Matthew Gollub, Kazuko StoneView DetailsTen friendly goblins beat their drums to keep nightmares away from a young Japanese boy as he sleeps.
Don't Say a Word, Mamá / No digas nada, Mamá
By Joe Hayes, Esau Andrade ValenciaDon't Say a Word, Mamá / No digas nada, Mamá
By Joe Hayes, Esau Andrade ValenciaView DetailsAn amusing tale, about sisterly affection and motherly appreciation. You can never have too much love for your family, but you can have too many hot chiles!
Un cuento divertido, sobre el cariño entre hermanas y el aprecio maternal. ¡Nunca puedes tener demasiado amor por tu familia, pero puedes tener demasiados chiles picantes!
Donde yo aprendo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneDonde yo aprendo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsUn niño aprende diferentes cosas en diferentes lugares. Lee para que veas a dónde va y que aprende.
A boy learns different things in different places. Read to find out where he goes and what he learns.
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Donde yo juego
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezDonde yo juego
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee sobre un niño y todos los lugares especiales en donde le gusta jugar y simular.
Read about a boy and the spacial places where he likes to play and pretend.
Dulces recuerdos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezDulces recuerdos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUna mujer tiene dulces recuerdos de sus visitas a la casa de sus abuelos durante su niñez. Lee este cuento para que veas qué son.
A woman has sweet memories of childhood visits to her grandparents' home. Read this story to find out what they are.
El baúl de los recuerdos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezEl baúl de los recuerdos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsMira como una niña aprende sobre algunas de las cosas especiales que están en el baúl de los recuerdos de su abuelita.
Join a girl as she learns about some of the special things in her grandma's memory trunk.
El ciclo del agua
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezEl ciclo del agua
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView Details¿Sabes cómo funciona el ciclo del agua? Lee este libro y lo sabrás.
Do you know how the water cycle works? Read this book and you will find out.
El conejo mágico
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneEl conejo mágico
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee este libro para que conozcas a este conejo mágico y sepas lo que pasa cuando se le piden muchos deseos a este conejo.
See what happens when a magic rabbit is asked to grant too many wishes.
El coquí
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEl coquí
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¿Sabes lo que es un coquí? Lee este libro y lo sabrás.
Read this book about the coquí, a tiny tree frog, to find out what makes it famous.
El cuerpo de una araña
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneEl cuerpo de una araña
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee este libro para que aprendas sobre las partes del cuerpo de una araña y cómo las usa.
A spider's body has several parts. This book shows the parts of the body and how a spider uses them.
El duende Maloigoloso
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneEl duende Maloigoloso
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsAbre este libro para que leas este cuento sobre un padre, su hijo y el duende que los ayuda.
Open the book to read the tale of a father, his son, and the elf who helps them.
El frasco de Juna
(Juna's Jar)By Jane Park, Felicia HoshinoView DetailsGanador del premio New Voices de Lee & Low, El frasco de Juna es una conmovedora y caprichosa celebración de la amistad y el poder de la imaginación.
El maíz de Quetzalcóatl
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneEl maíz de Quetzalcóatl
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee este libro para que descubras la leyenda mexicana de cómo llegó el maíz al pueblo azteca.
Read this story to discover the Mexican legend of how corn came to the ancient Aztec people.
El niño travieso y los tres osos
By Elena Castro, Enrique Isai Flores Gonzalez, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEl niño travieso y los tres osos
By Elena Castro, Enrique Isai Flores Gonzalez, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas lo que pasa cuando un niño visita a los tres osos.
A naughty boy visits the house of three bears. What do you think will happen?
El pequeño Toñito
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEl pequeño Toñito
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas algunas de las cosas que el pequeño Toñito puede hacer aunque sea muy chiquito.
Tony is a tiny boy, but he can do many things even though he is very small.
El pollito triste
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEl pollito triste
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsEl pollito se siente muy triste y solito. Lee para ver por qué se siente así.
Once there was a chick that was sad and lonely. Read this story to find out why it feels this way.
El renacuajo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEl renacuajo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¿Sabes cómo un renacuajo se convierte en rana? Lee este libro para que lo averigües.
Do you know how a tadpole becomes a frog? Read this book to find out.
El sol del verano
By William Nikola, Don TateEl sol del verano
By William Nikola, Don TateView DetailsFrom sun up to sun down, life on the farm is a flurry of activity. See how a young African American boy and his family spend a busy day on their farm.
El taller de piñatas
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezEl taller de piñatas
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView Details¿Sabes cómo se hacen las piñatas? Lee este libro y aprenderás.
Do you know how piñatas are made? Read this book to find out.
El viaje de Carlos y Ceci
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Sergio RamirezEl viaje de Carlos y Ceci
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Sergio RamirezView DetailsCarlos and Ceci are off on a journey around the solar system. Read this story to find out where they go.
En busca de insectos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezEn busca de insectos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLos insectos están por todas partes. Lee este libro para que sepas de algunos insectos que puedes encontrar cerca de donde vives.
Insects are all around us. Read this book to learn about some insects you might find near where you live.
En el bosque
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEn el bosque
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsEn los bosques de América del Norte viven muchos animales. Puedes leer sobre algunos de ellos en este libro.
Many animals live in the forests of North America. You can read about some of them in this book.
Es mejor dar que recibir
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Marty MartinezEs mejor dar que recibir
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Marty MartinezView DetailsLee esta historia para que aprendas qué significa este dicho: "Es mejor dar que recibir".
Read this story to learn what this saying means: "It is better to give than to receive."
Estoy enojado
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezEstoy enojado
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsTodos se sienten enojados alguna vez. En este libro verás cómo la familia de un niño lo ayuda a sentirse mejor.
Everyone gets upset sometimes. In this book you will see how a boy's family helps him feel better.
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Fabio y el festival maya
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezFabio y el festival maya
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsA Fabio le gustaría tener un poncho para el festival cultural maya. Lee este libro para que sepas lo que pasa.
Fabio would like a poncho to wear at the Mayan cultural festival. Read this story to find out what happens.
Gracias • Thanks
By Pat Mora, John ParraGracias • Thanks
By Pat Mora, John ParraView DetailsIn a series of poetic sentences, a young boy (biracial Mexican/Caucasian) tells about some of the everyday things for which he is thankful.
Gracias te damos
una ofrenda de los Nativos Americanos al amanecer de cada dÌaBy Chief Jake Swamp, Erwin Printup Jr.Gracias te damos
una ofrenda de los Nativos Americanos al amanecer de cada dÌaBy Chief Jake Swamp, Erwin Printup Jr.View DetailsIn Spanish. A traditional Iroquois celebration of the beauty and spirit of Mother Earth, as told by a contemporary Mohawk chief.
I Know the River Loves Me / Yo sé que el río me ama
By Maya GonzalezI Know the River Loves Me / Yo sé que el río me ama
By Maya GonzalezView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. Listen... Can you hear the river calling you? Rushing and bubbling, splashing or still, the river has so much to teach us.
I'll Build You a Bookcase / Te haré tu propio librero (Spanish-English bilingual edition)
By Jean Ciborowski Fahey, Simone ShinI'll Build You a Bookcase / Te haré tu propio librero (Spanish-English bilingual edition)
By Jean Ciborowski Fahey, Simone ShinView DetailsIn this charming bilingual picture book, children and their caregivers work together to build home libraries and discover the magic and wonder of reading books.
En este encantador libro bilingüe, niños y sus cuidadores trabajan juntos para construir un librero y descubren la magia y la maravilla de leer libros.
Joe Arco Iris y yo
By Maria Diaz StromJoe Arco Iris y yo
By Maria Diaz StromView DetailsIn Spanish. An endearing story of a young girl and her blind neighbor that celebrates friendship and the power of imagination.
La escuela de Elizabeti
By Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, Christy HaleLa escuela de Elizabeti
By Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, Christy HaleView DetailsIn this contempory Tanzanian story (now in Spanish), author Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen and artist Christy Hale once again bring the sweet innocence of Elizabeti to life. Readers are sure to recognize this young child's emotions as she copes with her first day of school and discovers the wonder and joy of learning.
La mascota de Pablo (Confetti Kids #9)
(Pablo's Pet, Dive Into Reading)By Sheri Tan, Shirley Ng-BenitezLa mascota de Pablo (Confetti Kids #9)
(Pablo's Pet, Dive Into Reading)By Sheri Tan, Shirley Ng-BenitezView DetailsEn este nuevo libro de la serie popular Confetti Kids, Pablo aprende a hacer frente a la pérdida de su querida mascota con la ayuda de sus amigos y familiares.
La muestra de talentos (Confetti Kids #11)
(The Talent Show, Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-BenitezLa muestra de talentos (Confetti Kids #11)
(The Talent Show, Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-BenitezView DetailsEn este nuevo libro de la serie popular Confetti Kids, Henry está nervioso por bailar para la muestra de talentos de la escuela.
In this new book in the popular Confetti Kids series, Henry is nervous about sharing his dance moves at the school talent show.
La muñeca de Elizabeti
By Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, Christy HaleLa muñeca de Elizabeti
By Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, Christy HaleView DetailsIn Spanish. A young Tanzanian girl finds a special doll, and realizes how much she loves the doll when she almost loses her.
La niña de jengibre
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezLa niña de jengibre
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUna niña de jengibre piensa que es muy viva. Lee este libro para ver qué le sucede a ella.
The gingerbread girl thinks she is very smart. Read this book to see what happens to her.
La niña del poncho rojo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezLa niña del poncho rojo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsUna niña les lleva una canasta de comida a sus abuelitos. Lee para que veas lo que le pasó en el camino.
A little girl was taking a basket of food to her grandparents. Read to find out what happened along the way.
La primavera
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezLa primavera
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee este libro para que aprendas sobre algunos de los cambios en la naturaleza que suceden durante la primavera.
Read this book to learn about some of the changes in nature that occur during springtime.
La protesta (Confetti Kids #10)
(The Protest, Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-BenitezLa protesta (Confetti Kids #10)
(The Protest, Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-BenitezView DetailsEn este nuevo libro de la serie popular Confetti Kids, Lily y sus amigos organizan una protesta para evitar que el huerto comunitario sea demolido.
La sirenita Ari
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezLa sirenita Ari
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsCambiaron las cosas para la sirenita Ari cuando llegó la sirenita Casilda. Lee este libro para que veas lo que sucedió.
Things changed for Ari the mermaid when Cassie the mermaid arrived. Read this story to find out what happened.
Las celebraciones
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezLas celebraciones
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsExisten muchas celebraciones diferentes. Mira dentro de este libro para que aprendas sobre algunas de ellas.
There are many different kinds of celebration days. Look inside this book to find out about some of them.
Las dos inseparables
By Andria Warmflash Rosenbaum, Jessica McClureLas dos inseparables
By Andria Warmflash Rosenbaum, Jessica McClureView DetailsIn a story told through poetry, two girls-one African American and one Latina-become friends and plan a way to honor special members of their families.
Las flores de doña Flor
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezLas flores de doña Flor
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLee este libro para ver como doña Flor utiliza materiales coloridos para hacer flores para su vecindad.
Read this book to find out how Nana Flor uses colorful materials to make flowers for her neighborhood.
Las máquinas sencillas
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezLas máquinas sencillas
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsMira dentro de este libro para aprender sobre los seis tipos de máquinas sencillas.
Look inside this book to learn about the six kinds of simple machines.
Las partes de una planta
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLas partes de una planta
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLas plantas tienen muchas partes. En este libro averiguarás por qué es importante cada parte.
Plants have many parts. In this book you will find out why each part is important.
Leo y las mariposas
By Jan ReynoldsLeo y las mariposas
By Jan ReynoldsView DetailsMeet a young boy named Leo who lives in Costa Rica. Learn all of the things Leo knows about the butterflies that live in the rainforest near his home.
Lo que como yo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezLo que como yo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas lo que come un niño para mantenerse saludable.
Read this book to find out what a boy eats so he will stay healthy.
Lo que leo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLo que leo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsA un niño le gusta leer antes de dormir. Con cada libro, el emprende un viaje imaginario.
A boy likes to read before going to sleep. With each story, he takes an imaginary trip.
Lo que los animales nos dan
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLo que los animales nos dan
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee este libro para que veas algunas de las cosas que los animales le dan a la gente.
Read this book to find out about some of the different things animals provide for people.
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Los cinco hermanos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLos cinco hermanos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee este cuento sobre cinco hermanos para ver dónde viven y qué hacen allí.
Five brothers live on a farm. Read to find out what each of them does there.
Los dibujos de David
By Cathryn FalwellLos dibujos de David
By Cathryn FalwellView DetailsIn Spanish. A shy young African American boy makes friends in school by letting his classmates help with his drawing of a bare winter tree.
Los dos volcanes
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezLos dos volcanes
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezView DetailsLee este libro para que aprendas sobre la leyenda azteca de Izta, Popo y los dos volcanes.
Open this book to read the Aztec legend of Izta, Popo, and the two volcanoes.
Los lápices hablan y otros poemas de la Escuela
By Anastasia Suen, Susie Lee JinLos lápices hablan y otros poemas de la Escuela
By Anastasia Suen, Susie Lee JinView DetailsA simple school day is a lot more fun when you add a little poetry! Follow along for a fresh look at spelling tests, recess, music class and more, in this spirited collection of school day poems.
Los meses del año
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLos meses del año
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¿Sabes los meses del año? Cuando leas este libro aprenderás sobre ellos.
Learn about some celebrations that occur during each month of the year.
Los tamales
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezLos tamales
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLos tamales son deliciosos. Este libro te dice cómo hacerlos.
Tamales are delicious. This book tells you how to make them.
Los tiburones
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezLos tiburones
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLee este libro para que aprendas algunos datos interesantes sobre diferentes tiburones.
Read this book to learn some interesting facts about different sharks.
Los tres deseos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLos tres deseos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¿Qué harías tú si tuvieras tres deseos? Lee este cuento para ver lo que pasa cuando un hombre desea algo sin pensar.
Read this story to find out what happens when a man makes wishes without thinking.
Lupita y David
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLupita y David
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLupita y David no le hicieron caso a su mamá.Lee esta versión de Hansel y Gretel para que veas lo que les pasó.
Lupita and David did not obey their mother. Read this retelling of "Hansel and Gretel" to find out what happened to them.
Marina la ballena
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Carlos SentiesMarina la ballena
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Carlos SentiesView DetailsLee este cuento para que veas lo que pasa cuando Marina, la ballena, no le hace caso a su mamá.
Read this story to find out what happens when Marina the whale doesn't listen to her mother.
Maya's Blanket
La manta de MayaBy Monica Brown, David DiazView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. Based on a Yiddish folk song, a young girl's cherished baby blanket becomes old and worn over time and she finds new ways to use it as she grows up.
Me siento feliz
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezMe siento feliz
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsMuchas cosas hacen que esta niña se sienta feliz. Lee este libro para que sepas cuáles son.
Many things make this girl happy. Read this book to find out what they are.
Me veo en el Rodeo
By Emmi S. Herman, Claire Louise MilneMe veo en el Rodeo
By Emmi S. Herman, Claire Louise MilneView DetailsOn her way to school one morning, a young Native American girl gets a taste of the rodeo adventure she daydreams about.
Mi escalera
By Sally Derby Miller, Adjoa J. BurrowesThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product pageMi escalera
By Sally Derby Miller, Adjoa J. BurrowesView DetailsIn Spanish. An African American girl shares the private world of playtime on her front steps over each of the four seasons in this picture book.
Mis muñecas
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezMis muñecas
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUna niña tiene cuatro muñequitas. Lee para que veas por qué cada una de ellas es muy especial.
A girl has four little dolls. Read this book to find out what makes each one special.
My First Book of Proverbs / Mi primer libro de dichos
By Ralfka Gonzalez, Ana Ruiz BlanchMy First Book of Proverbs / Mi primer libro de dichos
By Ralfka Gonzalez, Ana Ruiz BlanchView DetailsThis bilingual book is the perfect introduction for young children to well-loved proverbs in English and Spanish.
My Very Own Room / Mi propio cuartito
By Amada Irma Perez, Maya GonzalezMy Very Own Room / Mi propio cuartito
By Amada Irma Perez, Maya GonzalezView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. Five brothers, two parents, and a house full of visiting relatives make a young Mexican American girl feel crowded.
Nuestro apartamento
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezNuestro apartamento
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsUna niña y su familia viven en un apartamento. Lee para que veas en qué este apartamento es igual o diferente de donde vives tú.
A girl and her family live in an apartment. See how an apartment is the same as or different from where you live.
Papel picado
By Danell Dykstra, Josie FonsecaPapel picado
By Danell Dykstra, Josie FonsecaView DetailsThere's going to be a classroom fiesta and it's time to make decorations. See how two Latino children turn some plain colored napkins into a colorful cut paper banner.
Pescar es divertido
By Francis McCall, Paul RichardsonPescar es divertido
By Francis McCall, Paul RichardsonView DetailsTwo African American brothers go fishing with their father and discover it's not what you catch that its important, it's how much fun you have.
Por todo nuestro alrededor
By Xelena González, Adriana M. GarciaPor todo nuestro alrededor
By Xelena González, Adriana M. GarciaView DetailsEste hermoso libro ilustrado, ganador del Pura Belpré Illustrator Honor y del American Indian Youth Literature Award Picture Book Honor, celebra los círculos que nos rodean, en el cielo, la tierra, nuestros vecindarios, nosotros mismos ... si nos atrevemos a buscarlos.
Quetzalcóatl's Corn
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneQuetzalcóatl's Corn
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsRead this story to discover the Mexican legend of how corn came to the ancient Aztec people.
Rafi y Rosi
By Lulu DelacreRafi y Rosi
By Lulu DelacreView DetailsIn this chapter book series in Spanish, Rafi and his younger sister, Rosi, explore their surroundings and learn about the traditions, plants, animals, and environment of Puerto Rico.
Rafi y Rosi ¡Carnaval!
By Lulu DelacreRafi y Rosi ¡Carnaval!
By Lulu DelacreView DetailsTwo Puerto Rican tree frog siblings learn about science and social studies topics during their adventures on their island home in this chapter book series in Spanish.
Rafi y Rosi ¡Música!
By Lulu DelacreRafi y Rosi ¡Música!
By Lulu DelacreView DetailsRafi and Rosi, the curious, fun-loving tree frog siblings explore the bomba, plena, and salsa music traditions of their home island, Puerto Rico.
Rafi y Rosi ¡Piratas!
By Lulu DelacreRafi y Rosi ¡Piratas!
By Lulu DelacreView DetailsTwo tree frog siblings Rafi and Rosi explore their island home of Puerto Rico and learn about its Spanish history, fortresses, and pirates.
Reciclar, reutilizar y reducir
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezReciclar, reutilizar y reducir
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas algunas cosas que puedes hacer para ayudar a mantener saludable a nuestro planeta Tierra.
Read this book to find out about some things you can do to help keep our planet, Earth, healthy.
Recién nacido
By Anastasia Suen, Chih-Wei ChangRecién nacido
By Anastasia Suen, Chih-Wei ChangView DetailsA sweet story in verse of a baby's first year and a celebration of diversity for readers of all ages. In Spanish.
Sam el silencioso
By Tabatha Jean D'Agata, Geraldo ValerioSam el silencioso
By Tabatha Jean D'Agata, Geraldo ValerioView DetailsGus is trying to teach his parrot Sam to speak, but Sam doesn't seem to be interested in learning. When Sam finally speaks, will Gus regret ever teaching him?
Señor Cascarón
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezSeñor Cascarón
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsEl Señor Cascarón estaba sentado en un cajón. Lee este cuento en rima para que veas lo que le pasó.
Mr. Egg Head was sitting on a crate. Read this rhyming story to find out what happened to him.
Soy la tetera
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezSoy la tetera
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee este libro para aprender sobre diferentes tipos de tés hechos de hierbas y especias y como te pueden ayudar.
Read this book to find out about different teas made from herbs and spices and how they might help you.
Ten Oni Drummers
By Matthew Gollub, Kazuko StoneTen Oni Drummers
By Matthew Gollub, Kazuko StoneView DetailsIn this playful, rhyming story, young children find reassurance and comfort for their fears when scary dreams come their way. Through art and story, children also learn about Japanese taiko drumming and the Japanese words and characters for the numbers one to ten.
The Woman Who Outshone the Sun / La mujer que brillaba aún más que el sol
By Alejandro Cruz Martinez, Fernando Olivera, Rosalma ZubizarretaThe Woman Who Outshone the Sun / La mujer que brillaba aún más que el sol
By Alejandro Cruz Martinez, Fernando Olivera, Rosalma ZubizarretaView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. A legend of Lucia Zenteno, who is part of the oral history of the Zapotec Indians of Oaxaca, Mexico.
Tu amigo, Jorge
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Raúl EspinozaTu amigo, Jorge
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Raúl EspinozaView Details¿Qué harías si tu mejor amigo se mudara? Lee este libro para que veas lo que hizo Jorge.
What would you do if your best friend moved away? Read this book to see what Jorge did.
Two Sweet Peas
By Andria Warmflash Rosenbaum, Jessica McClureTwo Sweet Peas
By Andria Warmflash Rosenbaum, Jessica McClureView DetailsIn a story told through poetry, two girls-one African American and one Latina, become friends and plan a way to honor special members of their families.
Un mundo nuevo
By Danilo Figueredo, Enrique O. SanchezUn mundo nuevo
By Danilo Figueredo, Enrique O. SanchezView DetailsIn Spanish. Un mundo nuevo brings us a gentle and uplifting story of coming to America.
Una comida de cumpleaños para papá
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Raúl EspinozaUna comida de cumpleaños para papá
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Raúl EspinozaView DetailsEs el cumpleaños de papá. Lee este libro para que veas cómo preparar la comida favorita de papá.
It's Dad's birthday. Read this story to learn how to prepare Dad's favorite meal.
Ya llegó el mariachi
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezYa llegó el mariachi
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsEste músico toca con un mariachi. Lee este libro para que aprendas sobre un mariachi.
A musician is playing with a mariachi. Read this book to find out all about mariachis.
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