Mi caballo
By Karen Hjemboe, Anthony Chee EmersonMi caballo
By Karen Hjemboe, Anthony Chee EmersonView DetailsA Pueblo boy living on a reservation in New Mexico cares for and rides his horse.
At the Park
By Judy Nayer, Kayeri AkweksAt the Park
By Judy Nayer, Kayeri AkweksView DetailsA Mohawk boy visits the park and uses his five senses to discover the natural world around him.
The Invisible Hunters / Los Cazadores Invisibles
A Legend from the Miskito Indians from Nicaragua / Una Leyenda de los Indios Miskitos de NicaraguaBy Harriet Rohmer, Joe SamThe Invisible Hunters / Los Cazadores Invisibles
A Legend from the Miskito Indians from Nicaragua / Una Leyenda de los Indios Miskitos de NicaraguaBy Harriet Rohmer, Joe SamView DetailsA magical tale portraying the crucial first moments of contact between an indigenous culture and the outside word.

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