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This Land is My Land
By George Littlechild- Paperback$12.95
This Land is My Land
By George LittlechildView DetailsThrough his own words and paintings, acclaimed Native artist George Littlechild takes us back in time to the first meeting between his Plains Cree ancestors and the first European settlers in North America.
Armando y la escuela de lona azul
By Edith Hope Fine, Judith Josephson, Hernán Sosa- Paperback$12.95
Armando y la escuela de lona azul
By Edith Hope Fine, Judith Josephson, Hernán SosaView DetailsIn Spanish. The story of a young Mexican boy living in a colonia (trash dump community) who takes the first steps toward realizing his dream of getting an education.
The Harvest Birds / Los pájaros de la cosecha
By Blanca López de Mariscal, Enrique Isai Flores Gonzalez- Paperback$11.95
The Harvest Birds / Los pájaros de la cosecha
By Blanca López de Mariscal, Enrique Isai Flores GonzalezView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. The zanate birds advise Juan to keep the weeds around his land and to plant beans, squash, and corn together.
King for a Day
By Rukhsana Khan, Christiane Krömer- HardcoverOut of stock
- Paperback$11.95
King for a Day
By Rukhsana Khan, Christiane KrömerView DetailsMalik, a Pakistani boy who uses a wheelchair, is excited to compete in the annual kite-flying festival of Basant. Can his kite defeat the bully's and make him "King" of the festival?
Killer of Enemies
By Joseph Bruchac- HardcoverOut of stock
- Paperback$15.95
Killer of Enemies
By Joseph BruchacView DetailsA post-Apocalyptic YA novel with a steampunk twist, based on an Apache legend.
Marisol McDonald and the Clash Bash / Marisol McDonald y la fiesta sin igual
By Monica Brown, Sara Palacios- Hardcover$19.95
Marisol McDonald and the Clash Bash / Marisol McDonald y la fiesta sin igual
By Monica Brown, Sara PalaciosView DetailsIn the follow-up to the Pura Belpré Award Honor-winning Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match/Marisol McDonald No Combina, everyone's favorite mismatched heroine turns eight and throws a fabulously mismatched party.
As Fast As Words Could Fly
By Pamela M. Tuck, Eric Velasquez- HardcoverOut of stock
- Paperback$12.95
As Fast As Words Could Fly
By Pamela M. Tuck, Eric VelasquezView DetailsThe story of Mason Steele, an African American boy in 1960s Greenville, North Carolina, who relies on his inner strength and his typing skills to break racial barriers after he begins attending a "whites-only" high school.
Hammer of Witches
By Seth Mlawski- Hardcover$20.95
Hammer of Witches
By Seth MlawskiView DetailsIn this YA historical fantasy, a teen from Spain finds himself aboard a ship sailing to the "New World" with Christopher Columbus.
Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match / Marisol McDonald no combina
By Monica Brown, Sara Palacios- Hardcover$19.95
Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match / Marisol McDonald no combina
By Monica Brown, Sara PalaciosView DetailsMismatched and fabulous Marisol McDonald celebrates her Peruvian and Scottish heritage.
Bilingual English/Spanish.Brothers in Hope
The Story of the Lost Boys of the SudanBy Mary Williams, R. Gregory Christie- Hardcover$20.95
Brothers in Hope
The Story of the Lost Boys of the SudanBy Mary Williams, R. Gregory ChristieView DetailsBased on heartbreaking yet inspirational true events in the lives of the Lost Boys of Sudan, Brothers in Hope is a story of remarkable courage, and an amazing testament to the unyielding power of the human spirit.
Family Pictures / Cuadros de familia
By Carmen Lomas Garza, Sandra Cisneros, Pat Mora- HardcoverOut of stock
- Paperback$11.95
Family Pictures / Cuadros de familia
By Carmen Lomas Garza, Sandra Cisneros, Pat MoraView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. In this Pura Belpré Honor-winning book, Carmen Lomas Garza tells the story of her childhood growing up in Kingsville, TX.
The Upside Down Boy / El niño de cabeza
By Juan Felipe Herrera, Elizabeth Gomez- Paperback$11.95
The Upside Down Boy / El niño de cabeza
By Juan Felipe Herrera, Elizabeth GomezView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. The Upside Down Boy is award-winning poet Juan Felipe Herrera's engaging memoir of the year his migrant family settled down so that he could go to school for the first time.
The Storyteller's Candle / La velita de los cuentos
By Lucia Gonzalez, Lulu Delacre- HardcoverOut of stock
- Paperback$11.95
The Storyteller's Candle / La velita de los cuentos
By Lucia Gonzalez, Lulu DelacreView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. A bilingual biography of Pura Belpré, New York City's first Latina librarian.
In My Family / En mi familia
By Carmen Lomas Garza- HardcoverOut of stock
- Paperback$11.95
In My Family / En mi familia
By Carmen Lomas GarzaView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. In My Family/En mi familia is Carmen Lomas Garza's second book of family pictures, a continuing tribute to the loving family and community that shaped her childhood-and her life.
My Diary from Here to There / Mi diario de aqui hasta allá
By Amada Irma Perez, Maya Gonzalez- HardcoverOut of stock
- Paperback$11.95
My Diary from Here to There / Mi diario de aqui hasta allá
By Amada Irma Perez, Maya GonzalezView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. One night, young Amada overhears her parents whisper of moving from Mexico to the other side of the border- to Los Angeles, where greater opportunity awaits.
From the Bellybutton of the Moon and Other Summer Poems
Del ombligo de la luna y otros poemas de veranoBy Francisco X. Alarcón, Maya Gonzalez- Paperback$11.95
From the Bellybutton of the Moon and Other Summer Poems
Del ombligo de la luna y otros poemas de veranoBy Francisco X. Alarcón, Maya GonzalezView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. From the Bellybutton of the Moon is renowned poet Francisco X. Alarcón's collection of 22 poems inspired by his touching recollections of childhood summers in Mexico.
My Very Own Room / Mi propio cuartito
By Amada Irma Perez, Maya Gonzalez- Paperback$11.95
My Very Own Room / Mi propio cuartito
By Amada Irma Perez, Maya GonzalezView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. Five brothers, two parents, and a house full of visiting relatives make a young Mexican American girl feel crowded.
Laughing Tomatoes and Other Spring Poems
Jitomates Risueños y otros poemas de primaveraBy Francisco X. Alarcón, Maya Gonzalez- Paperback$11.95
Laughing Tomatoes and Other Spring Poems
Jitomates Risueños y otros poemas de primaveraBy Francisco X. Alarcón, Maya GonzalezView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. From the imagination of poet Francisco X. Alarcón comes Laughing Tomatoes and Other Spring Poems, a playful and moving collection of twenty poems in English and Spanish.
Angels Ride Bikes and Other Fall Poems
Los Ángeles Andan en Bicicleta y otros poemas del otoñoBy Francisco X. Alarcón, Maya Gonzalez- Paperback$11.95
Angels Ride Bikes and Other Fall Poems
Los Ángeles Andan en Bicicleta y otros poemas del otoñoBy Francisco X. Alarcón, Maya GonzalezView DetailsFollowing the success of their award-winning book of spring poems, Laughing Tomatoes, and their acclaimed collection of summer poems, From the Bellybutton of the Moon, poet Francisco Alarcón and artist Maya Christina Gonzalez invite us to experience fall in Los Angeles-the City of Angels-where dreams can come true.
Home to Medicine Mountain
By Chiori Santiago, Judith Lowry- Paperback$12.95
Home to Medicine Mountain
By Chiori Santiago, Judith LowryView DetailsTwo young Maidu Indian brothers sent to live at a government-run Indian residential school in California in the 1930s find a way to escape and return home for the summer.
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