The Magical Monkey King
Mischief in HeavenBy Ji Li Jiang, Youshan TangThe Magical Monkey King
Mischief in HeavenBy Ji Li Jiang, Youshan TangView DetailsA retelling of stories about the brave, smart, and mischievous Monkey King, accompanied by Chinese brush painting and pen drawings.
The Day It Snowed Tortillas / El día que nevó tortillas
Folktales told in Spanish and EnglishBy Joe Hayes, Antonio Castro L.The Day It Snowed Tortillas / El día que nevó tortillas
Folktales told in Spanish and EnglishBy Joe Hayes, Antonio Castro L.View DetailsGather 'round master storyteller Joe Hayes to hear tales of wisdom, magic, trickery, and more, from old New Mexican folklore. Side-by-side English and Spanish text.
¡El Cucuy!
A Bogeyman Cuento in English and SpanishBy Joe Hayes, Honorio Robledo TapiaView DetailsListen to your parents or el Cucuy--the Bogeyman--might get you!
Hazle caso a tus papás, ¡o puede ser que el Cucuy venga por ti!
In Search of Cinderella
A Curriculum for the 21st CenturyBy Katharine GoodwinIn Search of Cinderella
A Curriculum for the 21st CenturyBy Katharine GoodwinView DetailsTwelve ethnic versions of the Cinderella story from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Middle East are summarized and worked into lessons for the middle and upper grades.
Anklet for a Princess
A Cinderella Story from IndiaBy Lila Mehta, Meredith Brucker, Youshan TangView DetailsPart of the Cinderella Around the World series, this is a variation of the Cinderella story set in India.
El pájaro verde / The Green Bird
By Joe Hayes, Antonio Castro L.El pájaro verde / The Green Bird
By Joe Hayes, Antonio Castro L.View DetailsAn enchanted prince caught in the body of a green bird -- who will help him overcome an evil trap, secure his transformation, and reclaim his kingdom?
Un príncipe encantado atrapado en el cuerpo de un pájaro verde, ¿quién lo ayudará a superar una trampa malvada, asegurar su transformación y recuperar su reino?
Jingu: The Hidden Princess
By Ralph E. Pray, Xiaojun LiJingu: The Hidden Princess
By Ralph E. Pray, Xiaojun LiView DetailsIn fourth-century Japan, a princess lives a life of loneliness and learning until she makes a secret friend, but her destiny forbids that they ever be more than friends.
Piecing Earth and Sky Together
A Creation Story from the Mien Tribe of LaosBy Nancy Raines Day, Genna PanzarellaPiecing Earth and Sky Together
A Creation Story from the Mien Tribe of LaosBy Nancy Raines Day, Genna PanzarellaView Details"In the beginning, a helper from heaven named Faam Koh came down to make the sky. His sister, Faam Toh, came down to make the earth..."
Domítíla: Cuento de la Cenícíenta basado en la tradícíón mexícana
By Dr. Jewell Reinhart Coburn, Connie McLennanDomítíla: Cuento de la Cenícíenta basado en la tradícíón mexícana
By Dr. Jewell Reinhart Coburn, Connie McLennanView DetailsA retelling of the Cinderella fairytale from the Mexican tradition.
Domítíla: A Cinderella Tale from the Mexican Tradition
By Dr. Jewell Reinhart Coburn, Connie McLennanDomítíla: A Cinderella Tale from the Mexican Tradition
By Dr. Jewell Reinhart Coburn, Connie McLennanView DetailsWith love and care in every stroke, illustrator Connie McLennan captured on canvas the warmth of relationships, the fondness for color and texture, and the versatile patterns characteristic of the Mexican people. Readers will soon fall in love with the shimmering light of the desert landscape and this well-told story of Cinderella-with-a-twist.
A Fable for the New MillenniumBy Russell Young, Civi ChengDragonsong
A Fable for the New MillenniumBy Russell Young, Civi ChengView DetailsDragonsong? No human alive today, nor any human in living memory, has heard dragonsong. But legend has it that it is an awesome, spell-binding sound, a song to haunt your heart forever!
To Swim in Our Own Pond
A Book of Vietnamese ProverbsBy Ngoc Dung Tran, Xuan-Quang DangTo Swim in Our Own Pond
A Book of Vietnamese ProverbsBy Ngoc Dung Tran, Xuan-Quang DangView DetailsA book of popular Vietnamese proverbs.
The Invisible Hunters / Los Cazadores Invisibles
A Legend from the Miskito Indians from Nicaragua / Una Leyenda de los Indios Miskitos de NicaraguaBy Harriet Rohmer, Joe SamThe Invisible Hunters / Los Cazadores Invisibles
A Legend from the Miskito Indians from Nicaragua / Una Leyenda de los Indios Miskitos de NicaraguaBy Harriet Rohmer, Joe SamView DetailsA magical tale portraying the crucial first moments of contact between an indigenous culture and the outside word.
Magic Dogs of the Volcanoes / Los perros mágicos de los volcanes
By Manlio Argueta, Elly Simmons, Stacey RossMagic Dogs of the Volcanoes / Los perros mágicos de los volcanes
By Manlio Argueta, Elly Simmons, Stacey RossView DetailsWhenever Salvadoran people gather to tell stories, someone will have a story about the magic dogs called cadejos.
La Llorona / The Weeping Woman
By Joe Hayes, Vicki Trego Hill, Mona PennypackerLa Llorona / The Weeping Woman
By Joe Hayes, Vicki Trego Hill, Mona PennypackerView DetailsThis retelling of the classic tale of the Weeping Woman will cause shivers and delight in readers of all ages!
¡Este recuento del folclore de La Llorona causará escalofríos y deleite en lectores y oyentes de todas las edades!
The River That Gave Gifts
an Afro American storyBy Margo HumphreyThe River That Gave Gifts
an Afro American storyBy Margo HumphreyView DetailsIn this vibrant children's book by Margo Humphrey, a renowned printmaker, a young girl wants to give something special to the beloved elderly woman who cares for her, and discovers her own unique gift.
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