Cora Cooks Pancit
By Dorina Lazo Gilmore, Kristi ValiantCora Cooks Pancit
By Dorina Lazo Gilmore, Kristi ValiantView DetailsCora and Mama work together to cook up pancit for the family in this celebration of Filipino heritage and foods.
¡Sí, Se Puede! / Yes, We Can!
Janitor Strike in L.A.By Diana Cohn, Francisco Delgado, Luis J. Rodriguez¡Sí, Se Puede! / Yes, We Can!
Janitor Strike in L.A.By Diana Cohn, Francisco Delgado, Luis J. RodriguezView DetailsWhen the janitors' union strikes for better wages, Carlitos discovers a way to help his mother in this powerful bilingual picture book.
Cuando el sindicato de conserjes organiza una huelga para exigir mejores salarios, Carlitos descubre una manera en que le puede ayudar a su madre en este poderoso libro ilustrado bilingüe.
Alicia Afterimage
By Lulu DelacreAlicia Afterimage
By Lulu DelacreView DetailsA story of remembrance as well as an exploration of teen grief and healing, recounting the life and death of the author's sixteen-year-old daughter, as told through her parents' and friends' recollections, thoughts, feelings, and memories. For YA and adults.
The Gum Chewing Rattler
By Joe Hayes, Antonio Castro L.The Gum Chewing Rattler
By Joe Hayes, Antonio Castro L.View DetailsA humorous tall tale about how one piece of bubblegum saved author Joe Hayes as a young boy.
El árbol más feliz
Un cuento sobre yogaBy Uma Krishnaswami, Ruth JeyaveeranView DetailsIn Spanish. Meena is excited about the class play, a new and improved version of Red Riding Hood.
First Day of School
By Gaylia Taylor, Alexandra ArtigasFirst Day of School
By Gaylia Taylor, Alexandra ArtigasView DetailsFrom saying goodbye to Mom to finding a new friend, a young Latino boy experiences a range of emotions on his very first day of school.
El primer día de escuela
By Gaylia Taylor, Alexandra ArtigasEl primer día de escuela
By Gaylia Taylor, Alexandra ArtigasView DetailsFrom saying goodbye to Mom to finding a new friend, a young Latino boy experiences a range of emotions on his very first day of school.